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Month June 2011

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The Power of the Bible

While Christ is the clear center piece of the new-found faith of all Muslim converts, in some respects the person of Jesus can be recognized as the particular cause and most persuasive attraction. Simply put, Christ's character is frequently seen by the Muslim as overwhelmingly attractive.
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Mosqueinmauretania Michalhuniewicz Cc 1000x664

Encounters with Jesus

A North African believer found the needed strength to face his imprisonment from a dream he had while imprisoned for his faith. In it, he saw thousands of believers pouring through the streets of his city, openly proclaiming their faith in his restricted country.
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Dreams & Visions

A West African man recounts a succinct, yet powerful vision he had prior to conversion. He saw a devout Muslim in hell and a poor Christian who couldn't afford to give alms in heaven. A voice explained to him that the difference was belief in Jesus.
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Bangladesh Men Smiling Nir Nussbaum

God’s love

The love of God is particularly poignant for Muslims who may have been suppressed by other Muslims. One Shi'a man was attracted by the truth that "God loves all people" and that he was personally loved and protected by God. Similarly, a West African was surprised by God's love "for all people of all races, including enemies
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