Dreams & Visions

White Robes

One believer from Guinea recounts the dream of a figure whom he later believed to be Jesus. The figure was in a white robe, calling the man to come to Him. In a related dream, he recalls that the same figure’s arms were extended, beckoning him. Dreams of this type have become recognized as a pattern of work among Muslims. Though there are variations, Jesus appearing in a white robe is a recurring image among those who have had dreams and visions. Similarly, a Muslim Malay woman was drawn by a vision she had of her Christian parents who had died. She saw them rejoicing with others in heaven. Jesus, appearing in a white robe, said, “If you want to come to me, just come.” Feeling that she had tried her entire life to reach God without success, she now saw God initiating the effort to reach her through Jesus.

A convert from the Middle East who had been afflicted with severe headaches was lying on his bed after having prayed for his sick son. A man with a beautiful, peaceful face appeared. Dressed in white, the figure walked to the head of the man’s bed and touched him three times on the head. The next morning his headaches were gone. His son, too, was fully healed. Understandably, he now recounts with confidence, “I believe in prayer in the name of the Christ.”

See also  Pray for Ethiopia

Dream Examples

One Sunni woman from the Arabian Peninsula had a figure appear to her in a dream, telling her to visit a Christian woman she knew. The figure, who she was convinced was Jesus, told her this woman would teach her.

Prior to his conversion, a Persian man had a vision. In it, he was falling in darkness over a cliff and was saved by a light holding onto his back.

In a fascinating twist on God’s use of dreams and sleep, one Algerian recounted how she heard her sleeping Muslim grandmother say, “Jesus is not dead. I want to tell you He is here.”

A West African man recounts a succinct, yet powerful vision he had prior to conversion. He saw a devout Muslim in hell and a poor Christian who couldn’t afford to give alms in heaven. A voice explained to him that the difference was belief in Jesus.

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  1. Believe me Christ is real! In this day and age many will have powerful dreams and visions.. it’s a great time that we live in! May Christ who has risen and will return again have mercy upon the blind and show them the way. I pray that Christ puts it in their hearts to seek him.

  2. Steve m.
    I’m seyi from Nigeria. I’ve heard and seen things that baffle the human mind, intellect and reasoning. You may find that man’s dream as nothing or mere propaganda( if I may use that word) but I believe all things are possible. It may be true or false but the fact remains that God can move heaven or earth to reach to save a human soul. That, don’t doubt. Have a blesses day!

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