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What Others Say about 30 Days

God is using 30 Days of Prayer

Here’s what both Christians and Muslims are saying about 30 Days of Prayer

“I am a Muslim but I respect what you are doing here. I do have to admit that it makes me sad the people leave Islam, but as long as they find God and peace instead of evil, it can never be a bad thing.”
— Anonymous

“Until a few months ago, my view of Muslims was based on what I had seen and read in the news… If I had to describe how I felt about Muslims, it would have been a general feeling of fear and a desire to stay away from them… Now, as I read the 30 Days entries for each day and pray, I am beginning to see Muslims as people whom God loves–people who live, eat, work, learn, suffer, pray, and seek God. Reading through this booklet, I have learned a great deal about Muslims around the world, where they live, what they believe, how to share Jesus with them. “
— Diane N., Mercy Vineyard Church

“I’ve prayed through 30 Days of Prayer for many years. I haven’t found a better resource to help me pray for Muslims with clear understanding of who they are and their needs. I believe consistent prayer lays the foundation for the Lord’s breakthroughs, so I hope every Christian everywhere prays through your Guide. Thanks for your hard work. Eternity will show its impact!”
— Fred Markert, director Network for Strategic Initiatives

“I found the content fascinating, and learnt a lot. Please carry on the good work for next year. It was really valuable to focus on specific areas, cities, people etc, and I can’t think of anything you should stop!”
— Brian, UK

“We will not impact Muslims through our theological arguments or politics, but we will through prayer. The annual 30 Days prayer emphasis that coincides with the Muslim month of Ramadan has been a remarkable global effort to focus millions of Christians on prayer for the spiritual needs of Muslims.”
Patrick Johnstone, WEC International, Author, Operation World

“This will be the 3rd year our family has used the 30 Days Prayer Guide. My kids love it and actually look forward to our family prayer time every day.”

“We all recognize the need to pray. We’ve all been challenged to pray for the world. The hard thing is knowing how to do that well. The 30 Days Muslim Prayer Focus is the kind of tool that enables effective prayer.”
— Greg Parsons, General Director U.S. Center for World Mission

“The whole world is aware of the rise of Islamic passions. Sadly, for many the response is fear and hatred; that is not heaven’s response. Through the 30 Days Muslim prayer focus, we can tune into God’s heart for people–and that never results in fear or hatred. The prayer guide booklet published each year provides invaluable knowledge, and that also helps us to approach Muslims with Godly hearts. As we learn and pray, the kingdom of fear is driven back and the Kingdom of God advances.”
— Lynn Green, Chairman of Youth With A Mission

“For years we saw no fruit until you prayed for our city last year. Now we have a thriving church and are planting more!”
—  Anonymous

“I have been using the 30 Days Prayer Guide in both English and Dutch for many years. This is a wonderful way to meet the real world of Islam and to connect them to the throne of God.”
— Brother Andrew, Open Doors, Founder

“I led an outreach team to a Muslim area and have learned first hand the power of prayer during Ramadan (met people there having dreams of Jesus). I appreciate this service you provide.”
Bill, USA

“My Muslim teacher became very much interested in hearing about the righteousness that is found by faith in God’s promises after praying with you during this last Ramadan.”
Expat in Niger


30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World is a global prayer movement supported and/or endorsed by organizations such as Frontiers, YWAM, Act Beyond, OM, Assemblies of God and most major missions organizations, the Evangelical Alliances of Europe, Transformations Africa and by major churches and ministries around the world.

Did you know?

* Thousands of churches, ministries and prayer groups join in prayer for Muslims around the world, and distribute 30 Days prayer booklets to their constituency.

* Millions of Christians have participated worldwide since 1993.

* Many Christians have commented on how much they have learned about Islam, and how their negative attitudes about Muslims have been changed as they read about and prayed for Muslims.

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