The Five Pillars of the Islamic FaithMay 16, 20113 CommentsThe Islamic faith is lived out according to five "pillars" that must be adhered to if one is to hope for salvation. Pillars include Ramadan, zakat, salat, hajjRead MoreThe Five Pillars of the Islamic Faith
Muslim’s, Money and “Zakat”July 5, 20101 CommentZakat consists of giving 2.5 per cent of one's annual increase in goods or funds or both. See the Grameen Bank ConceptRead MoreMuslim’s, Money and “Zakat”
The Hajj Pilgrimage – Journey of a LifetimeMay 30, 20104 CommentsHajj is pilgrimage to Mecca. All Muslims who are physically able must make this spiritual and physical journey once in a lifetime, male and femaleRead MoreThe Hajj Pilgrimage – Journey of a Lifetime