30 Days of Prayer Int'l
Colorado Springs, CO
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30 Days of Prayer Int'l
Colorado Springs, CO
Email: [email protected]
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Kandi was worried. Living in rural Cambodia with serious health problems it was hard to find good medical care in the year 2000. Left by her husband to raise her children alone, Kandi was relieved to find a couple whom God had sent to meet her at this time in her life journey.
The couple had studied Kandi’s language and listened carefully to her. They prayed with her and referred her to the Mercy Medical Centre where more of God’s people were offering low cost medical care to the very poor. Here, Kandi heard more of Jesus and the perfect sacrifice given for all people.
Kandi’s people are Cham. They can be found in nearly every province of Cambodia, generally where large river systems are located. Cham people originated from the ancient Champa kingdom located in present-day Vietnam. Due to conflict with the Vietnamese people long ago, the Cham migrated in large numbers west to Cambodia and became the Western Cham, with a population of approximately 400,000. Very few Cham have heard or understood who Jesus is.
In the year 2000, God nudged one of his servants to begin to pray weekly for the Cham to come to faith in Jesus. Another woman joined her. In 2014 there were ten or more believers from different countries joining to pray for the Cham. It continues till today and is the key to the Cham journey to faith in Jesus. Today, through this guide, we will add hundreds of thousands to that number, praying for the Cham.
When the couple mentioned above next met Kandi, God had answered their prayers by healing her. She had also become a true believer in Jesus. Her husband had returned and her son had also become a follower. Together they started a Bible study in her village to start answering the questions that other people had asked her about Jesus. The Cham are on a journey to faith!
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