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Pray for Addicts in Afghanistan

Most people will never hear about a man like Qasim. He is from a remote part of Afghanistan; a member of an overlooked tribe, from an unreached people group; and he is a drug addict.

As a young man, Qasim travelled across the border to work in a neighboring Islamic country. There, he was given drugs to make him more productive and able to work longer hours. He became addicted and before long, the drugs made him less productive, not more. Replaced by another worker who would likely follow the same pattern of exploitation, Qasim returned home. His addiction brought great shame on his family, who would have nothing to do with him. He ended up living under a bridge where the sewer waters emptied out, along with around 2,500 other addicted men, for much of the 24 years of his addiction.

Get the Afghanistan Prayer Guide

God is doing something new in Afghanistan! Get equipped to pray and fall in love with Afghanistan. The new prayer guide: “A Prayer Journey to Afghanistan” is available now in paperback or digital form!

This is the state of many people in Afghanistan and the surrounding nations, where drug addicts are rejected by families and shamed by their communities. Qasim, however, was found by workers from a treatment centre who have given him help and hope. He has been free from addiction for over 4 years and now works as a guard at one of the treatment centers.

See also  Pray for Peace & Reconciliation

Drug addiction is a growing problem in Afghanistan, which is the world’s largest producer of opium. The problem is growing among women and children also, who live inpoverty, conflict, and hopelessness.

How to Pray

  • Pray for Christians engaged in peace- making and reconciliation ministry with Muslims. (Luke 6:17-36)
  • Pray for Muslims who are working to reconcile and restore peace in their communities, with Christians and others. (Isaiah 1:18)
  • Pray for a greater revelation of the work of Christ to reconcile the world. (2 Corinthians 5:18-21)
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  1. I pray that God will reveal himself to this people and touch their hearts to be save in Jesus name Amen.

  2. Beloved let all be involved in this kind of prayer.
    There is nothing God can not do.
    Everything is possible

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