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Pray for Growing Relationships

As 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World continued to grow in the 2010’s, Christ’s message of love and reconciliation towards Muslims also gained strength. One man who personified that love was Justin Normand, a 53-year-old man from Dallas.

In 2016, amid rising hate crime incidents targeting Muslims, Mr. Normand went to the mosque nearest his home and held up a sign. It read: ‘You Belong. Stay Strong. Be Blessed. We are One America.’ It was a counter-cultural message for a changing nation where some people feared Muslims and wanted them gone.

When asked why he did it, Mr. Normand replied that he wanted to, “…share the peace with my neighbours. My marginalised, fearful, decent, targeted, Muslim neighbours.” He said, “This was about binding up the wounded. About showing compassion and empathy for the hurting and fearful among us. This was about my religion, not theirs.”

Read the story

Read the original news story of Justin Normand and how the media, neighbors and local Muslims responded to his peacemaking.

Read more >

During the 2010’s more partnerships strengthened to share the Gospel of peace with Muslims, including Vision 5:9 – a network with a desire to see people from all nations involved as witnesses.
This partnership also encouraged more gatherings of Muslim background believers from many nations who were now following Jesus – also the result of increased global prayer.

See also  Pray for Addicts in Afghanistan

Other ministries of reconciliation formed in the 2010’s seeking to build bridges of love and kindness between faiths. More ministries focused on practicing the Gospel of peace and were nourished in part through millions participating in the global prayer initiative of 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World.

How to Pray

  • Pray that American Christians will be living examples of Christ to their Muslim neighbours.(John 13:14-15)
  • Pray for partnerships and ministries that work to “publish peace and salvation” to Muslims.(Isaiah 52:7)
  • Pray for Muslims to be shown compassion, and empathy, and be welcomed by Christians in places where they are persecuted. (Luke 4:18)
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