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Enjoining The Mosque

Spiritual Realities

In praying for Muslims and in living with them we need to exhibit the life of God. The enemy pushes us as believers to fear and suspicion of Muslims. If we allow ourselves to be motivated by fear, self preservation, and suspicion instead of faith, hope and love we will not be able to bring the Gospel to Muslims.
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Who is Isa?

About the life and teaching of Isa (Jesus) including a video about the Trinity of God explained for Muslims but helpful for Christians to understand the different beliefs in God and Christ and the Holy Spirit.
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Glossary of Islamic Terms

This Islamic Glossary was compiled from both Shiite and Sunni Muslim branches. It is an interesting reference and gives ideas into culture and thinking, not just the learning of new words. Where two words are repeated, one is from the Shiite glossary, the other the Sunni glossary. The 30-Days Editors
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Glossary of Christian Terms

This glossary relates to Bible words and sometimes come with a biblical reference to explain more. Unlike some glossaries, most of the words in our glossary are in English. Some cultural words about Christianity have been added. The 30-Days International Editors
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