Fatimah: Born in Mecca in AD 605, died in Medina in AD 632.
Fatimah (Fatima) was the name of the favourite daughter of Mohammed. Her name means “she who weans.” She was considered one of four perfect women by Mohammed. The others were Mohammed’s own first wife, Khadijah, the mother of Fatimah; Mary, the mother of Jesus; and Asiya the wife of an ancient Pharaoh.
Fatimah is known as a loving and devoted daughter, mother and wife, as well as a sincere Muslim. At the age of 19 Fatimah married Ali. Their life together was simple, frugal, and not without hardship and deprivation. Because of his piety, apparently Ali was not greatly interested in material wealth. Fatimah’s acts of kindness toward the poor and destitute earned her praise from many. She gave birth to two sons and two daughters. In AD 632 after the death of her father she also passed away, either by an accident or by natural causes.
Fatimah was apparently a good influence, but her name is also associated with an occult object that has fairly negative influence in the Muslim world. This so-called “Hand of Fatimah” is used by Muslims in amulets, charms and jewelry to ward off evil spiritual influences.
Prayer Starters:
- Pray according to Acts 19:18-20 concerning occult influences.
- Pray for the millions of Muslim women named Fatimah to find new life in Jesus.
Testimony of a women in a difficult situation
Malika’s husband who was involved in criminal activites was killed. Malika remained alone with her four children for some time. Then she met several believers and came to Christ herself. Since her entire family were Muslims, Malika and her children were forced out of their home when her family learned about her choice for Jesus. She lost everything she had. She no longer had a place to live nor a means to earn money. Two of her children were sick, one who was 12 even needed regular heart medicine. Malika kept her faith and her new family helped her work things out.
FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE! God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. A wonderful prayer for anyone seeking the truth would be: O God, I am a sinner and I dont want to be condemned to hell for my sins. Please forgive me and teach me your truth and show me clearly your salvation. Let your truth in me be a beacon of light to those who are lost and searching.
John 3-16: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotton son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.