Read the Scriptures with your Muslim friends
One approach which has proved useful in showing the value of the Bible to a Muslim is to start with Creation.
I typically open the Bible to Genesis chapter one and begin by reading the story of the Creation. I take a few moments to point out the wisdom of God in the process of creation and the progression from day to day.
I continue by giving them glimpses of the whole book of Genesis. “Look, here is the story of Cain and Abel … Here’s the story of Noah. Did you know that the genealogy of Noah is here in full? Were you aware that all the peoples of the earth today can be traced back to Noah’s three sons? Do you know the details of the events of the flood? Oh, I know that the Qur’an makes a brief reference to it, but here in the Torah is the full story.”
It is good to use the term “Torah” because it is also mentioned in the Qur’an. I go on to Abraham, pointing out the geography and history (use the maps at the back if your Bible has them).
Moving through the Old Testament
As I flip the pages somewhat more quickly through the rest of Genesis, I stop at the story of Joseph and point out a synopsis of his life and journey to Egypt, and how God gave him the strength to stay faithful to Him even in difficult circumstances. “We go now to Moses …” and there I show how God gave Moses the Law and briefly look over the Exodus story.
From there I begin to flip through book by book and call out the names of key prophets of God. Psalm 19 is a good choice. I point out that this is the “Zabur” (Psalms) mentioned in the Qur’an. The Bible has the full text of all 150 songs of praise, worship, prophecy, and teaching. Then I jump to Jonah, pointing out that the Qur’an mentions him as the Prophet Younus. Daniel is also mentioned as a prophet in the Qur’an. Then I go on to the New Testament.
New Testament
I show them the genealogy of Jesus and how it covers many centuries and includes several major prophets and kings. “The entire life of Jesus is recorded right here for us.” I then read several texts from the Sermon on the Mount. I go on to describe how Christianity spread in the early years (Acts and the Letters). I point out in Acts 2 how Arabs, Kurds, Egyptians, Libyans, Turks and other peoples from the Middle East were converted. I read a few verses from the Epistles, especially 1 John, emphasizing the love of God. Finally, I move on to the book of Revelation and point out that the Bible has prophecies which are yet to be fulfilled. “Here are some of them.” In conclusion, I show how the Bible begins at the beginning and ends with the end.
Practical Points
Finally, here are a couple of practical points. Almost always, the listener attempts to take the Bible out of my hands, but I hang on to it until I have finished my presentation. Muslims need to know that there are treasures within the Bible, but I do not recommend that we only talk about the Bible. Also I do not recommend asking people if they want a Bible: ideally they should ask for it. When they do, it shows that they are serious. I do not want to give a Bible to someone who does not value it as a present, hoping that somehow they will come to value it later. I like to make them hungry and thirsty for God’s word.
Editor’s note:
Article by Georges Houssney. Our personal sharing with Muslims are dynamic events involving interaction. It is certainly probable that one might not totally finish this presentation or that it might be wise to spend more time on some aspects of it than others.
Peace Be Upon all of You!
We Muslims respect previous revelations by God. Only four are mentioned by name [Taurat (Torah), Zabur (Psalms), Injeel (Gospel) and Quran]. Others may be the Scrolls of Abraham.
In Islam Prophets were sent to all races and nations, with scripture (not only to Jews). And only 25 are mentioned in Quran. God did send down other scriptures that are not mentioned in the Quran. Possibilities may be the Avesta, Vedas. These still have a message of monotheism left. But we cant be sure. So we respect the Bible, among other World Scriptures. If its any consolation many Muslims do own a copy of the Bible. Others go the whole nine yards and obtain a library of World Scriptures, including the Buddhist script (Suka & Duka), the Hebrew Bible (OT) etc..
Unlike fundamentalist Christians, Muslims don’t curse out saying that your book is complete falsehood. We however dont agree that the Bible is in its original, or revealed form. Its has been corrupted with time, many additions and deletions are seen to have taken place. I believe archeological evidence has proven this.
The Bible raises serious problems for the 21st century believer in God.
1. Why is the OT preserved in Hebrew, and the NT preserved in Greek? Did Jesus, or his disciples speak Greek.
2. Why can’t we find original copies of the NT in Hebrew?
3. The editor/author to the article claims…
Why debate about a subject that no one will agree on? Just allow people to believe in what they feel is true. Live according to your religion, thats all that matters because you are going to account for your works. Even if God himself spoke to you and told you the truth you would not hear because you only hear what you want according to your perspective. Why justify something that you think you know when you know nothing at all. Who are you to judge anyway? Not everyone agrees and rightfully so…If God wanted us all to be the same why then did he create us differently. Dont take things personally because God can fight His own battles, thats why so many Muslims are encountering Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.