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Muslims in Chicago, USA

Pray for Muslim refugees who call the US home

More than half a million Muslims from around the world live in the area around Chicago, USA.

DuPage County in the western suburbs has one of the highest Muslim populations in the country, with a population that is about 6{1ef34f8f1cacfdc6c19f5319e487deec2393c82eacea09a13da7feed1a24e305} Muslim, representing 60,000 people. Many nationalities are scattered in the region, although some groups cluster in neighborhoods. South Asians are found on the north side of Chicago, in the “Little India” neighborhood; various Arab nationalities live on the south side. Syrians, Afghans, Iranians, Iraqis, and a variety of Africans, many of whom are refugees, live throughout the city and suburbs and own shops and restaurants. Large ornate mosques and small store-front mosques are in almost every community.

Muslim women in Chicago at a memorial for victims of the 2019 New Zealand mosque shooting — Image by Charles Edward Miller | Flickr CC

Many Muslims have more opportunities to seek God through faith in Jesus when they come to the USA. Ministries, churches, and individuals are reaching out to Muslims and Muslim background believers through hospitality, evangelism, friendship, Bible studies, English teaching and worship services.

Muslims in America love to extend hospitality when Christians visit them, with tea, fruit, snacks, and sometimes a meal of Middle-Eastern or South Asian food. As friendships deepen, American Christians can support and pray with Muslim friends for their life situations, for their children adjusting to American schools, for families back home in war zones, and that they will learn English, find jobs, and make new friends.

Ideas for Prayer

  • Pray that Christians in the Chicago region will reflect Christ to Muslims in this area. See Acts 17:26-27.
  • Pray for Muslim background believers and Muslim seekers as they meet in ethnic fellowship groups and Bible studies, that they would grow in their faith and commitment to Christ.
  • Pray for Muslim immigrants as they adjust to American life, education, language, and friendships.
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