30 Days of Prayer Int'l
Colorado Springs, CO
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30 Days of Prayer Int'l
Colorado Springs, CO
Email: [email protected]
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“Last week, I baptised my own mother!” revealed Shared, a young woman wearing a typical headcover or jilbab. In this small village in the east of the Sumbawa island of Indonesia, a small movement towards faith in Jesus has been taking place.
“God has been working among us,” reports Shared. “In the past there were only about 200 – 300 Christians living in some villages close to the town. We didn’t have good contact with them. But in the last 5 years God has shown us that Jesus is more than a prophet. Some Christians came to help us to discover through the stories of the Injil (gospel) who Jesus really is. We didn’t have to change our culture or leave our community. Every one of us tells other family members about Him.”
The Holy Spirit is working among this people group with a population of around 800,000 who are known as Mbojo or Bimas. Despite persecution in this almost entirely Islamic island, the numbers of believers are increasing. The New Testament and the Jesus film have been translated and Christian radio programs are available.
Most of the Mbojos were not well educated, fearing that education would threaten their culture and religion. That has changed in the last years, although most of them are still poor and live as farmers. But they are learning that they can follow Jesus and keep their culture intact, for Jesus came to save people from every nation, tribe and tongue.
Top image of Mbojo dad and son by Jacques Beaulieu via Flickr CC
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