30 Days of Prayer Int'l
Colorado Springs, CO
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30 Days of Prayer Int'l
Colorado Springs, CO
Email: [email protected]
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It was nearly 1400 years ago that a young Arab man, disillusioned with the injustice of society and the ever-present idolatry around him, decided he needed to get away. He would make a practice of meditating in a cave in the hills near his hometown of Mecca.
He was Muhammed. And on this night, he would have an encounter he didn’t expect.
Later, Muhammed recalled how an angel appeared to him, giving him the first of the revelations that would eventually come to be known as the Qu’ran.
Laylat al Qadr, also known as the Night of Power, is the commemoration of this night. A time so special and sacred to Muslims around the world that they will take on great tasks, like praying throughout the night, reading the entire Quran or even living in the mosque for days at a time.
Muslims believe that worship on the night of Qadr is more valuable than a thousand months of regular worship. And also, that God decrees one’s destiny for the coming year during this time.
On a night when hearts and minds are focused on pleasing God, we can gather around the throne of grace and ask the Lord to make Jesus known to them.
Top image by of mosque at dusk by EYÜP BELEN via (Creative Commons)
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