30 Days of Prayer Int'l
Colorado Springs, CO
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30 Days of Prayer Int'l
Colorado Springs, CO
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Athens, Greece, the “cradle of western civilization”, has long been a major influencer of world culture. It is famous for the Apostle Paul’s speech at Mars Hill where he said, “From one man He has made every nationality to live over the whole earth and has determined their appointed times and the boundaries of where they live. He did this so they might seek God, and perhaps they might reach out and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.” – Acts 17:26-27
In recent years, thousands of Muslims have fled war-torn and poverty-stricken homelands for the relative safety of Athens. For possibly the first time in their lives, they can perhaps meet Christians who come from a Muslim background.
A church planter from Iraq said, “People in the West are afraid Europe is going to become a Muslim continent. But those of us who have chosen to follow Christ are also headed there and we are going to share our faith.”
On one occasion, an elderly Pakistani Muslim asked to be baptized after receiving Christ as his Lord and Savior. Upon leaving the beach south of Athens, he saw a man jogging down the street and said, “I feel like a young boy again, like I could outrun that man. I am a new creation. I’m full of the joy of the Lord.”
Other similar stories are happening in Athens, as more are being saved and lives are transformed.
Photo by Aladdin Qattouri from Pexels
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