Day2 Byalexazabache Viapexels

Pray for Cairo, Egypt

Cairo is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. With a population of around 20 million, it is the largest city in Africa, and about the 6th largest city on the planet. 90{1ef34f8f1cacfdc6c19f5319e487deec2393c82eacea09a13da7feed1a24e305} of the city is Muslim, mostly Sunni Muslim, and more Muslims arrive regularly as refugees from places like war-torn Yemen.

There are estimates of up to a million Yemeni people living in Cairo. They fled their homes because of the war and are now stranded in the city. Many also came to receive medical treatment here.

“Why do you Christians help us foreigners?” is the question many Yemenis ask when they encounter Christians in Cairo.

Image by Kenzi Rose | Used with permission

Aisha was a ten-year old girl suffering from leukaemia. Unable to get treatment in Yemen, her parents brought her to Cairo, where they lived in terrible conditions. But many local hospitals do not treat refugees fairly and they could not afford the inflated cost of a bone marrow transplant. Thankfully, Aisha’s family met a group of Egyptian and foreign Christians who had established a network of doctors and clinics which offered treatment for fair prices and managed donations to help those in need of care. Through this group, Aisha was finally able to receive her treatment.

“Why do you Christians help us foreigners?” is the question many Yemenis ask when they encounter Christians in Cairo.

Through practical, merciful help to those in need, some Christians in Cairo are forming friendships with the Yemeni community and showing them the love of God. Pray for this to increase and bear much fruit!

See also  Welcome to the 2021 Edition of 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World

How to Pray

  • Pray that people of all faiths in Cairo will work together to solve the problems faced by rapid growth – such as the supply of water, food, education and housing – and help their city to prosper in peace. (Proverbs 11:11)
  • Pray for the Yemenis stranded in Cairo, for their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs to be met. (Matthew 25:34-40)
  • Pray for the Church in Cairo that, even as a minority, they would be a bold and powerful witness. (Acts 1:8)

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