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Pray for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Usually, Aminah would have taken the elevated train with her roommates but she was running late and didn’t get breakfast before she left for school. So, she stopped at the fresh orange juice machine at her station and paid with an app on her phone. She didn’t have to worry if the drink was halal or not, as you could watch the oranges being squeezed through the window.

Aminah felt so privileged to be on a government scholarship and she wanted to make her family proud; so she would make sure she wasn’t late again, and she would stick with her housemates to avoid the dangers of travelling on the train alone.

Women celebrating Eid in Kuala Lumpur | photo by Mohd Fazlin Mohd Effend

Malaysia is officially a Muslim nation although it is also ethnically diverse, with about 61{1ef34f8f1cacfdc6c19f5319e487deec2393c82eacea09a13da7feed1a24e305} of the population identifying as Muslim. Kuala Lumpur (locally known as “KL”) has a population of just under 8 million and Aminah is one of almost 500,000 university students in the city. She is a Malay, from a village in another state. Many new students are more open to the Gospel when they are learning and exploring new ideas away from home.

Malaysia now has 4 universities in the global top 150, so young Christians can come from anywhere and be a blessing to Muslims at universities in KL, while getting a degree at about one-third of what it costs in many Western nations.

See also  Pray for Damascus, Syria

How to Pray

  • Pray for Christians in KL to reach out across barriers of religion, race, and language to share about Jesus with Muslims. (Romans 8:38-39)
  • Pray for legal barriers to sharing the gospel in Malaysia to be diminished. (Proverbs 21:1)
  • Pray for student ministries in KL and for Christians in the universities to be a good testimony of Christ. (Jeremiah 1:7-8)

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Top photo by Mohd Fazlin Mohd Effend via Flickr CC

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