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Pray for Muslims in the UK

There are an estimated 3.4 million Muslims in the United Kingdom, mostly living in England. The majority of British Muslims are from South Asian families, but also from all over Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and Europe. The Muslim community is well established in the UK and very engaged in British society.

When the COVID-19 pandemic was spreading rapidly through communities in the UK, British Muslims were among the first to respond, repurposing mosques as testing centres and temporary morgues, raising money for funerals and charities and delivering food to people in quarantine.

Saira, a Muslim woman from Birmingham who helped deliver food parcels, found that being able to help others in need during the pandemic helped her own anxiety in those difficult times. “It was something I could do to help when there was so much I could not do. It was encouraging to see the community come together to help the most vulnerable.”

Day 28 alt - Muslim ladies in Trafalgar Square London England by Garry Knights via Flickr CC
Muslim ladies in England | Photo by Garry Knights via Flickr CC

Today, rising costs have created ongoing needs in the UK and Muslims are again helping their communities by providing struggling families with food for iftar, the meal taken at sunset to break the fast each day during Ramadan. At a time that usually brings people together to eat, a lack of finances can be especially isolating, so charitable giving is especially important now.

See also  Pray for the Mirpuri people in Britain

How to Pray

  • Pray for Muslims in the UK who are struggling financially to be connected to resources that can help them.
  • Pray for Christians in the UK to work alongside Muslims and be generous in helping Muslim families in need especially during Ramadan.
  • Pray for Muslims in the UK to have good relationships with Christians and for opportunities to serve their communities together.

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