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Pray for Peace in Yemen

About 3,000 years ago, the Queen of Sheba came to visit King Solomon from her country, which is known as Yemen today. She brought gifts of Yemeni spices and gold. When she left she was in a dilemma, because she was fascinated by what she had heard about Solomon’s God.

Today, the land of Yemen is incredibly impoverished and the leaders of Yemen face far worse dilemmas. Their country’s essential water table has been drying up. The literacy rate for women is a mere 25%. Since 2014, the country has been torn in two by civil war, leaving 82% of the 31 million people dependent on outside aid to survive. Sickness and starvation have taken a great toll on this once beautiful country.

Yemen is 99% Muslim. It is led by Houthi leaders in the north, the Presidential Leadership Council in the south, and multiple other political, military, and tribal leaders who need God’s wisdom and salvation.

Citysanaayemen Byrodwaddington Viaflickrcc
City of Sanaa, Yemen | Image by Rod Waddington, via Flickr, Creative Commons

It is very challenging for Yemeni leaders to accept Christ, especially since conversion from Islam is punishable by the death penalty in Yemen. But with God, nothing is impossible.

David prayed that his son Solomon—and ultimately his descendant Christ—would receive gifts from the Kings of Sheba (Psalms 72:10). God answered—at least in part. Let us pray for an even greater fulfillment of his prayer today by God bringing the Muslim rulers of Yemen to acknowledge Christ as Lord.

See also  Pray for the Mehri Tribe

# Learn more about and pray for Yemen at

How to Pray

  • Pray for the gospel to spread throughout Yemen until it reaches the very highest levels of government.
  • Pray for national and local leaders to put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for the leaders of Yemen to permit their people to live peaceful, godly lives, with freedom to follow Christ.
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  1. Bless each one of you in Jesus Most Precious Name! Thank you !! To be a part of this amazing journey is incredible!! Praise God for His amazing and glorious love!! Kingdom come in Yemen as it is in heaven. Closing with much love 💚

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