30 Days of Prayer Int'l
Colorado Springs, CO
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30 Days of Prayer Int'l
Colorado Springs, CO
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There are about 220 Muslim peoples around the world with over 100,000 members each, and these peoples have no local committed Christian witness. In addition, there are no known believers who are specifically planning to take the Gospel of the Kingdom to them. A short list of some of the last of the unreached Muslim peoples is on this page. In addition there are huge numbers of Muslims peoples where there is a small Christian witness, but the Muslims still have never heard the Gospel in a meaningful and culturally adapted way. This is true of millions of Arabs in the Middle East as well as millions more in Africa and Southeast Asia.
Jesus said, “This Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Mt. 24:14). The end of the age and the dawning of God’s new world will not come about before all people from different religions and cultures have had an opportunity to hear and to respond to the message. On this prayer site we have made a significant effort to focus our prayers on unreached peoples without neglecting Muslims in more visible and well known settings.
The figures above give the approximate numbers of Muslims in various regions of the world. In the last 50 years probably no more than one or two million Muslims have come to saving faith in the Messiah. Some people might give a somewhat higher figure. Whatever the real number, it is relatively small, and a breakthrough is needed.
Here are some Muslim peoples of over 100,000 without any known Gospel witness.
Saho of Eritrea – 211,000
Maraikayar of India – 127,000
Mawalud of India – 1,161,000
Nikari of India – 151,000
Pashtun of India – 13,282,000
Thulukkan of India – 269,000
Asahan of Indonesia – 541,000
Bangka of Indonesia – 340,000
Belitung of Indonesia – 100,000
Gayo of Indonesia – 300,000
Kangean of Indonesia – 1,100,000
Takistani of Iran – 330,000
Afshari of Iran – 1,230,000
Khorasani Turk of Iran – 832,000
Seraiki of Pakistan – 17,854,000
W.Baluch of Pakistan – 1,261,000
Burig of Pakistan – 474,000
Kho of Pakistan – 314,000
Kolai of Pakistan – 410,000
Awan of India – 618,000
Chhimba of India – 1,047,000
Kamboh of India – 1,525,000
Kunjra of India – 1,601,000
Makhmi of India – 499,000
Mappila of India – 9,635,000
Kerinci of Indonesia – 260,000
Lembak of Indonesia – 120,000
Reaching The Hungry in Word & Deed from Carlos Sales on Vimeo.
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