30 Days of Prayer Int'l
Colorado Springs, CO
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30 Days of Prayer Int'l
Colorado Springs, CO
Email: [email protected]
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The small nation of Gabon on the west coast of Africa is a conservation leader in the Congo Basin. The Congo Basin is known as the “second largest set of lungs in the world” – a reference to the importance of its rainforest which, like the one in the Amazon, forms an essential part of the global ecosystem.
88% of Gabon is covered in rainforest which is home to endangered animals, birds and plants. Gabon takes its responsibility for the stewardship of its land very seriously and has invested heavily in protecting it through national parks, sustainable forest management, and even marine sanctuaries. The rainforest in Gabon absorbs billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide and has a heavy influence on rainfall in the region, making it a crucial element in protecting against climate change.
Only about 10% of the population of Gabon are Muslims, but the country has had Muslim presidents since 1973 when the president converted to Islam. He was succeeded by his son, also a Muslim. Many of the Muslims in Gabon are immigrants from other parts of West Africa. Yet the majority of the population are Christians. Most are Catholic and trace their history from the influence of Portuguese colonists. In addition to this, there is a small, but growing, evangelical presence in Gabon.
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