Day27 Alt3 Ammanjordan Bymahmoodsalam Flickrcc

Pray for Jordan

Nasser is a good landlord who cares for his tenants in Amman, Jordan. During the Covid pandemic, when lockdowns prevented people from going to the grocery store, he would check to see if they needed anything and offered to buy bread for them.

As a Muslim, Nasser views caring for others as part of how he lives his faith. In this he agrees with his Christian neighbor Walid. They discovered a group of refugees living in a tent near their building who had little food. Together, they bought oil, flour, salt, sugar, tea, vegetables, and meat and distributed them among the families.

Hospitality is an essential part of Middle Eastern culture. There is a famous saying that, “You can never out-give an Arab.”

A Syrian girl at a refugee cap in Jordan | Photo by IMB

Muslims also give to the poor an act of worship. They believe it will help them on the Day of Judgement and protect them from trouble. While the performance of zakat – the giving of a percentage of ones income – is a duty, sadaqah is a voluntary act of charity. Sadaqah acts are done to please God, as an act of generosity, compassion or faith and can include monetary gifts, or acts of kindness.

As Muslims in Jordan care for others, through home-based hospitality or via giving to refugees, pray for God to open their hearts to his eternal love and generosity of salvation offered to all through Jesus.

See also  Pray for Amman, Jordan

How to Pray

  • Jordan is one of the most welcoming nations for refugees, with over 750,000 of them inside it’s borders, mostly fleeing the conflict in Syria. Pray for refugees in Jordan as they re-establish their whole lives.
  • Pray for those who are serving the poor in Jordan and other parts of the Middle East, whether Christian or Muslim, that they will have what they need to be a blessing to the poor.
  • Pray for Muslims in Jordan to respond to the message of Jesus and the Good News He has for the poor.

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