30 Days of Prayer Int'l
Colorado Springs, CO
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30 Days of Prayer Int'l
Colorado Springs, CO
Email: [email protected]
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On October 7, a series of devastating earthquakes rocked Herat, Afghanistan. Since then, they’ve experienced over 20 more earthquakes and tremors. So far, the city of Herat, with its concrete structures, has seen little structural damage. However, villages in nearby areas have been devastated. Composed mostly of mud homes, many have seen significant damage, with whole areas being flattened to the ground and many lives lost.
Several humanitarian aid organizations have been able to step in to meet basic needs. UNICEF reports that 90% of the fatalities were believed to be women and children. The World Vision Afghanistan director shares about the pain and trauma associated with the earthquakes, along with mobilizing rescue efforts and humanitarian aid, in this CTV News Report:
The Body of Christ has always been called to respond and come together to meet needs. In 2 Corinthians 8: 1-24, we read about the practice of taking up a “collection” in response to natural disasters. The Apostle Paul invited churches to rally together in support of their sisters and brothers of faith in another place, as a practical expression of unity. Let’s consider how we can do likewise today.
Pray where their friends and family continue to face significant challenges and hardship. Please join us in prayer and action as we continue to journey alongside and recognize the strength and resiliency of people who have been forcibly displaced.
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